Sunday, April 05, 2015

the home he knows not

Noa, Noa: the Tahitian Journal

By Paul Gauguin

Harvard art museum
the first half of the book is excellent. one feels that the passion within is so pent-up as being on the verge of exploding. then he found his child wife, and love and peace. passion is delivered as joy and creativity. he settles down, with daily adventures or routines with his Tahitian brothers and sisters. all serene and beautiful. some unquietness and he is back to civilization.

a significant portion of the small journal is a narrative of the Oceanic religion/mythology, which is dry and superfacial, not unlike those read elsewhere.

Gauguin's search for a true life has often been looked upon with conventional suspicion. this writing is like the artist's confession by holding out his heart: look, look here. nobody believes or cares, of course.

Gauguin had to self-publish the journal - below is the kind of wood prints he had intended to accompany the text.

my old post on "the moon and sixpence":

a quote from Maugham's book (brought up by net friend lyz23):

 I have an idea that some men are born out of their due place. Accident has cast them amid certain surroundings, but they have always a nostalgia for a home they know not. They are strangers in their birthplace, and the leafy lanes they have known from childhood or the populous streets in which they have played, remain but a place of passage. They may spend their whole lives aliens among their kindred and remain aloof among the only scenes they have ever known. Perhaps it is this sense of strangeness that sends men far and wide in the search for something permanent, to which they may attach themselves. Perhaps some deeprooted atavism urges the wanderer back to lands which his ancestors left in the dim beginnings of history. Sometimes a man hits upon a place to which he mysteriously feels that he belongs. Here is the home he sought, and he will settle amid scenes that he has never seen before, among men he has never known, as though they were familiar to him from his birth. Here at last he finds rest.

Saturday, April 04, 2015



数独是非常流行的数字游戏。其拼图为一个九宫格(3格宽×3格高)的正方形,每一格又细分为一个小九宫格。游戏规则很简单:以个别格子里已给出的数字为线索,通过简单或稍微复杂的逻辑思考,填满其余的格子,使得每一个小九宫格、大九宫格的每一列和每一行的数字都是19 因为数字排列方式千变万化,每个具体游戏的难易程度相差很大;但玩过的人都知道,一个稳操胜卷的办法是猜测,即在一个格子中可能的数字里随机先选一个试。比如某个空格既可能是3也可能是5时,先假设3是对的,一气填下去,50%的情况下,答案已经找到了;如果接下来出现了矛盾,则知道5是对的,回头重新填一遍就是了。令人好奇的是,我发现,虽然这个“猜测法”所向无敌,玩熟了以后,却会尽量避免之,而选择用逻辑推理,准确无误地分析出每格的数字。细究起来,大概因为“猜测法”不具美感(九宫格被涂得乱糟糟的),也无挑战性,缺乏那种沉思冥想后豁然开朗、峰回路转的体验。







每个章节是相对独立的小故事,文字简单流畅,可读性极强。即使看似无趣的话题,也很容易读进去,并获得一个大致的理解。西尔弗当然不是所叙述的绝大多数问题的专家,人也年轻,算不上资深学者;他是通过大量的阅读思考,以及在四年中采访各路专家,博采众议而写成此书的。虽然浅尝辄止,但他有自己的切入点;这本书总的说来信息广、脉路清楚、表达准确。读者可以再根据自己的兴趣,更深入地追踪不同的话题。由于该书这个外行看内行的特点,阅读时我偶尔会联想到幽默游记作家比尔·布莱森(bill bryson)写的《万物简史》(A Very Brief History of Everything),虽然表面上看来,这是两本完全不同的书。同理,这些问题的真正专家对此书会不以为然。

说到博采众议,书中反复引用的“刺猬与狐狸”的说法,源自英国哲学家以赛亚·伯林(Isaiah Berlin)对古希腊残诗里的“狐狸知道很多事,但刺猬只知道一件大事”的著名发挥。这个说法意味深长,而且很容易领悟,读者会不由自主地自我审视、自我定位。西尔弗显然对“狐狸”情有独钟,“538”网站的徽标就是狐狸。

狐狸怎样看世界呢?西尔弗的狐狸用的是贝叶斯定理(Bayes' theorem)。十八世纪英国数学家托马斯·贝叶斯(Thomas Bayes)提出来的这个定理,是一种基于概率的思考方式。它的前提是人接受自己对未来的预测不可能完全准确,带有一定程度的主观性和错误,然后用新的事实证据不断地去测试并调整自己的判断,如此一点点地接近事实。去年九月《纽约时报》科技专栏作家费伊·弗洛姆著文,以蒙提霍尔问题(Monty Hall problem)为例深入浅出地介绍了贝叶斯法的原理:

以“让我们来做一笔交易!”的节目主持人蒙提·霍尔(Monty Hall)命名的三门问题是这样的:参赛者看见三扇关闭的门,其中一扇的后面是一辆汽车,如果选中那扇门就可赢得汽车,另外两扇门后面则各藏有一只山羊。参赛者选定了一扇门后,霍尔开启剩下两扇门的其中一扇,露出一只山羊,然后会问参赛者要不要换选另一扇仍然关着的门?


贝叶斯定理的理论构架符合人类循序渐进的认知规律;具体到实践中,则有一个直观的量化公式用以计算。贝叶斯统计法为人诟病之处在于它要求一个起始的“主观判断”,显得不够客观中立,因此现代科研中使用的标准统计学原理是所谓的频率法,即完全通过随机频率来计算概率。近年来,由于发现绝大多数的科学结论无法重复,实质上是把噪音误作了信号,人们开始质疑频率法的有效性或客观性,最近甚至有期刊禁止其使用。西尔弗认定产生这么多假信号(false positives)的原因就是因为科学家不按照贝叶斯法分析问题。实际情况当然没有这么简单,毕竟统计分析只是任何科研课题的一个方面,沿袭既定理论进行推导也是非常标准的实践;但了解贝叶斯法的原理并有意识地加以应用,应该对科研工作有所帮助。





1. F. Flam: Odds, Continually Updated.

Friday, April 03, 2015

A world view according to a fox

The Signal and the Noise: Why Many Forecasts Fail - and Some Don't

by Nate Silver

it's actually a pretty entertaining book despite an apparently technical topic. some scientific training might be required to appreciate it however.

i was more taken by the philosophical views the author endorsed, like Berlin's hedgehog vs. fox and the Bayes' theorem. The book brought out a heightened understanding of things I had known all along, but only vaguely. it's like learning of a foxy fellowship for the first time while being a fox all life long.


Human beings do not have very many natural defenses. We are not all that fast, and we are not all that strong. We do not have claws or fangs or body armor We cannot spit venom. We cannot camouflage ourselves. And we cannot fly. Instead, we survive by means of our wits. Our minds are quick. We are wired to detect patterns and respond to opportunities and threats without much hesitation. p12

The problem, Poggio says, is that these evolutionary instincts sometimes lead us to see patterns when there are none there. “People have been doing that all the time,” Poggio said. “Finding patterns in random noise." p12

But this book is emphatically against the nihilistic viewpoint that there is no objective truth. It asserts, rather, that a belief in the objective truth— and a commitment to pursuing it— is the first prerequisite of making better predictions. The forecaster’s next commitment is to realize that she perceives it imperfectly. p14

"Every hedgehog fantasizes that they will make a daring, audacious, outside- the- box prediction— one that differs radically from the consensus view on a subject." p66

the Laplace demon: We may regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future. An intellect which at a certain moment would know all forces that set nature in motion, and all positions of all items of which nature is composed, if this intellect were also vast enough to submit these data to analysis, it would embrace in a single formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe and those of the tiniest atom; for such an intellect nothing would be uncertain and the future just like the past would be present before its eyes. p112

Meanwhile, the same tectonic forces that carve fault lines beneath the earth’s surface also carve breathtaking mountains, fertile valleys, and handsome coastlines. What that means is that people will probably never stop living in them, despite the seismic danger. p173 

“You do not need to understand all the intricacies of the economy to accurately read those gauges.” This kind of statement is becoming more common in the age of Big Data. Who needs theory when you have so much information? p196

But as was the case in other fields, like earthquake forecasting during that time period, improved technology did not cover for the lack of theoretical understanding about the economy; it only gave economists faster and more elaborate ways to mistake noise for a signal. Promising- seeming models failed badly at some point or another and were consigned to the dustbin. p198

the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 was a major spark for the development of secular philosophy. p154

But the number of meaningful relationships in the data— those that speak to causality rather than correlation and testify to how the world really works— is orders of magnitude smaller. Nor is it likely to be increasing at nearly so fast a rate as the information itself; there isn’t any more truth in the world than there was before the Internet or the printing press. Most of the data is just noise, as most of the universe is filled with empty space. p249

that strong. We do not have claws or fangs or body armor. We cannot spit venom. We cannot camouflage ourselves. And we cannot fly. Instead, we survive by means of our wits. Our minds are quick. We are wired to detect patterns and respond to opportunities and threats without much hesitation. p12