Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What is a good book? (2)

"Other books" (non-fictions)

I enjoy reading books (or articles) on social, cultural and ideological matters. I occasionally read biographies on those I am curious about. With the very few books I have read, I do know what I want from one.

-Originality. It is always a pleasure to learn new things and ideas, big or small. Sometimes, same idea can be presented from a different angle, thus offering additional insight or perspective. It is also desirable when the same ideas are presented cohensively and creatively. Originality comes from content and style.

-Rationality. I tend to judge the quality of books mainly based on my own way of reasoning. I am less moved by emotional appeal or the moral correctness of the ideas. On the other hand, I can find myself sticking to my own opinions even when I relate to the sounding analysis of others.

-That personal touch. It is generally assumed that objectiveness is the one very important component in presenting ideas and events. Often things get dismissed quickly as being "biased". Or the hidden agenda or background of the authors are dug out to illustrate the unfairness of their opinions. I do think the opposite way. I believe and appreciate the fact that individuals perceive things differently and articulate things differently. As long as there is an environment allowing free expressing, the collective wisdom(s) can serve as the closest thing one gets as "objective". In fact, I particularly enjoy authors standing by their ideas with pride and authenticity.

-Insightfullness. Social, cultural and ideological matters are generally complex. We think and debate about them throughout human history. Still, new understandings and perspectives evolve and emerge as if there were an ultimate truth. Being brought to a "new level" is a truly rewarding experience.

"Other books" come in different forms. Just as human beings, it is often better to think and judge books on individual basis than to categorize (stereotype) them.

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