we became instant friends in the gondola - as popular as snowboarding has become,this was the 1st time i met another mom snowboarder. the lady skier sitting next to me wondered: all my kids snowboard, too; what about it?”“i really don't know,” my fellow snowboarder answered, “there’s sth in the movements. ” i nodded in agreement.
actually, i am not sure, either. it seems to be a different kind of activity. while skiing, my attention was constantly on the slopes: green here, blue there, and black diamond elsewhere... skiing thus feels like a mission of conquering nature - you take it seriously and you work your way through the obstacles in a formal and rigid manner, with pairs of skis and poles.
not so for snowboarding. now the slope is just a playground and you are here to have fun: you and your board are one and, with every exaggerated movement of your body, you set to discover yourself, express yourself and delight yourself. full of freedom. full of individuality - that much you are convinced.
which also explains the fashionably casual outfits, the comfortably bulky boots,and the refreshingly individualized boards.
go snowboarding - there's sth in the movements. of every snowboarder.
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