Monday, January 28, 2008

reading carl jung

Jr recommended one chapter on "dream, knowledge, language" (forgot the title already). briefly, jung talked about the similarity between ontogenesis and phylogenesis and dream. about the importance of "directed thinking", the kind obtained through training in science and technology, in contrast to "associative thinking", which exemplifies much of human cognition. he also discussed "matter of factly" the essence of language in the acqusition of knowledge - precisely as i had realized myself awhile ago: these two are really one and the same (gee, i could have known this sooner by reading). associative thinking lacks abstraction (and too "primitive", commented Jr, dismissvely).

i am less sure about his characterization of "dream". for him, as for his freud, dream is part of the subconsciousness, consistent with what one thinks in full wakeness and therefore can be explained more or less logically. on the other hand, i rather have the belief that dream is a physiological process necessary to unwind the brain from continuous thinking. it is the needed rest for the brain, within which, the nerves fire rather randomly, with some connection to daily activities but without much intrinsic meaning attached to.

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