Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I buy books

I buy books
To tuck me in
With one more glance
Those blurry lines on
That page of vague importance

I buy books
To take me to
To many a lonely journey
That commuter train humming
That airplane roaring

I buy books
To bring home world
Of imagination
That mid-earth long past
That true love never to realization

I buy books
To listen to souls
Of originality
That gentleman who hunts whales
That young lady who walks on insanity

And I buy books
To wander in virtual reality
Between words and phrases
I forget
My own identity

1 comment:

My Blog said...

A good poem summarizing many good reasons for buying books.

Finally I was able to provide some "comments" on "les misérables", your entry in Sept 2008.